The following are the interrogative simple past tense sentences answers from the simple past tense:
1. Nina went to the bookstore yesterday.
Did Nina go to the bookstore yesterday?
2. Wardi climbed Mr. Ahmad's tree.
Did Wardi climb Mr. Ahmad’s tree?
3. Nuri played football in the field an hour ago.
Did Nuri play football in the field an hour ago?
Dear Kieren
I'm sorry I can't go home this weekend. I have a school project to settle this week. I'll meet you next week.
Miss you so much.
4. The sender of the text above is Dara
5. Dara can not come home this weekend because she has a school
project to settle this weekend.
Simple Past Tense adalah sebuah jenis kalimat yang menceritakan sebuah kejadian di masa lampau. Pada umumnya dalam sebuah kalimat Simple Past Tense terdapat sebuah kata/frasa yang menyatakan waktu seperti yesterday, two weeks ago, last month, dan sebagainya.
Berikut struktur kalimat Simple Past Tense:
Kalimat Aktif (Active Voice):
(+) Kalimat Positif: Subjek + Verb 2 + Objek
(-) Kalimat negatif: Subject + did not + Verb 1 + Object
(?) Kalimat Interogatif: Did + Subject + Verb 2 + Object
Pasif (Passive Voice):
(+) Kalimat Positif: Objek + was/were + Verb 3 + by Subjek
(-) Kalimat negatif: Objek + was/were + not + Verb 3 + by Subjek
(?) Kalimat Interogatif: Was/were + Objek + Verb 3 + by subjek
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